FOUR PADDLE UNIT #904 - Page Two

(Note: at 56bps, it will take up to a minute to load this page, and you will see pictures of the views, and interior of the Condo.)

The Master Bedroom, with the twin beds, or King size bed.

Bedroom Dressers, with color TV

Looking into the Kitchen, with appliances, counter top, and cabinets.
The stacked Washer/Dryer, inside the condo unit.

Off the Bedroom, into the Bathroom, with sink and vanity.

Waikiki Beach/Ocean to Diamond Head.

Waikiki Walking Map.

The Island of Oahu Map.

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Walt Flood • Phone: 808-922-1659 •  Fax: 877-358-5637 (Toll Free) • 
 1750 Kalakaua Ave., Suite 103 •  Honolulu, HI 96826-3795 • E-mail: WaltFlood@hawaii.rr.com

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