(Note: at 56bps, it will take up to a minute to load this page, and you will see 8 pictures of some of the Graffiti in Waikiki.)

To see more pictures of Graffiti, click here Second Page

Kaiolu Parking Lot
Kaiolu Parking Lot
Kaiolu Parking Lot
Kaiolu Parking Lot
Off Kalakaua Ave
Off Kalakaua Ave
Off Kalakaua Ave
Joy Hotel on Levers

To see more pictures of Graffiti in Waikiki, click here Second Page

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Walt Flood • Phone: 808-922-1659 •  Fax: 877-358-5637 (Toll Free) • 
 1750 Kalakaua Ave., Suite 103 •  Honolulu, HI 96826-3795 • E-mail:  Walt Flood
