(Note: at 56bps, it will take up to a minute to load this page, and you will see
pictures of some of the street peddlers, merchants and businesses in Waikiki.)

Hawkers  Click here to see the Hawkers, Street Entertainers, and Beggars in Waikiki.

Illegal Peddler on Kalakuaa Ave Signwalk

Illegal Peddler on Kalakuaa Ave Signwalk

Illegal Peddler on Kalakuaa Ave Signwalk

Illegal Merchant on Kalakuaa Ave Signwalk

Illegal Merchant on Kalakuaa Ave Signwalk

Illegal Merchant on Kalakuaa Ave Signwalk

Illegal Merchant on Kalakuaa Ave Signwalk

Illegal Merchant on Kalakuaa Ave Signwalk

Illegal Merchant on Kalakuaa Ave Signwalk

Hawkers  Click here to see the Hawkers, Street Entertainers, and Beggars in Waikiki.

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Walt Flood • Phone: 808-922-1659 •  Fax: 877-358-5637 (Toll Free) • 
 1750 Kalakaua Ave., Suite 103 •  Honolulu, HI 96826-3795 • E-mail: WaltFlood[at]Hawaii.rr.com